
1. Stage 24 (home toFriends from season two until now) is said to be haunted. It is oneof the oldest stages on the Warner Bros. lot and rumors of latenight "occurrences" have been circulating for years!
2. Each episodeenlists from 35 to 50 extras. James Michael Tyler (Gunther) was anextra in season one. He was the only extra who could work thecappuccino machine, which led to his recurring role. Not until hisfirst spoken line ("Yes." in The One with Phoebe's Dad) did thewriters give him a name。
每一集有35--50个群众演员。JamesMichael Tyler从第一季开始出现,群众演员中只有他会使用cappuccino咖啡机,从此之后一直有戏。但直到 TOWPhoebe's Dad 那一集,他才有了第一句对白“Yes”,于是剧作者们才给他起了个名字——阿甘。
3. The WardrobeDepartment has an entire room just for handbags!
4. The artwork inCentral Perk is changed every 3 episodes. The art departmentshowcases local, national and international artists. Some artistscreate original pieces just for the show!
5. The shops acrossfrom Central Perk have meaning. Dottie & Herman'sDeli is named after co-creator Marta Kauffman's relatives. FreeBeing Records is an homage to a Greenwich Village record store thatexecutive producer Kevin Bright frequented as a kid。
咖啡馆对面的商店也有典故。店名“Dottie & Herman'sDeli”是原剧作者之一Marta Kauffman的亲戚的名字;“Free BeingRecords”是向格林威治镇的一家唱片店致敬,因为制片人Kevin Bright小时候常常光顾那里。
6. Paul Swain, theElectrical Best Boy, draws the art on the Magna-Doodle boardhanging on the back of Joey and Chandler's front door. Sometimes hedoes a drawing that the writers request or that relates to thestoryline; otherwise, the doodle is usually an inside joke with thecrew。
7. Monica and Joey'srefrigerators actually work (a TV rarity). Monica's is filled withwater and soda for the cast and crew. Joey's (pictured) is, um,pretty darn bachelor-like。
8. The sandwich boardoutside Central Perk references a crew member who went above andbeyond the call of duty. "Neighbor Tim" has been appearing atCentral Perk ever since his good deed on the set。
咖啡馆门外的广告牌上,写着当值工作人员的名字。每次"NeighborTim" 的名字出现,就表示他将场景布置妥当了。
9. In the cold open of"The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy" (Season Premiere, 1996),the gang came in and found other people sitting in their CentralPerk spots. Those were the show's writers for thatseason。
10. The show goesthrough 32 pots of regular coffee on show day and over 100 cases ofwater a week。
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