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你看懂了吗? 数数最考验智商的电影

[6] Paycheck 记忆裂痕


  In the near future, Michael Jennings is a reverse engineer; he analyzes his clients' competitors' technology and recreates it, often adding improvements beyond the original specifications. To protect his clients' intellectual property and himself, Jennings undertakes a memory wipe to remove knowledge of his engineering with the aid of his friend Shorty。

  Jennings is approached by his old college roommate, James Rethrick, the CEO of the successful technology company Allcom. Rethrick proposes a lengthy three-year reverse engineering job to Jennings, requiring him to live on Allcom's secured campus until its conclusion but rewarding him handsomely with company stock. Jennings agrees, and after arranging for his long-term absence, arrives at Allcom, turns in his personal possessions, and is given a brief tour of the facility where he meets and flirts with botanist Dr. Rachel Porter. He is injected with a long-term memory marker for the post-job memory wipe.。。

