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减肥不应杜绝高热量食品 对健康不利

  When it comes to fruit and vegetables, around 60 per cent of men and women eat the recommended five portions every day, meaning four out of 10 are missing out.


  Only a quarter of those aged 16 to 24 consume their five-a-day compared to almost three quarters of over-65s.


  Experts said a focus on dieting may be taking precedence over healthy eating.


  Dr Emma Derbyshire, a nutritionist from Manchester Metropolitan University who contributed to the report, said: 'While magazines and TV schedules are full of celebrity chefs, food and recipes, our diets seem to be losing their balance with potentially-alarming consequences.

  英国曼彻斯特城市大学的营养学家Emma Derbyshire博士说:“”尽管在电视和杂志上随处可见的都是些名厨佳肴和食物菜谱,不过似乎我们饮食平衡的缺失以及发展到了严重的地步。“

  'It would seem that we are still struggling to grasp the concept of "good nutrition" and the reason why we eat food in the first place.


  'Though it is important to acknowledge calorie intake, this must not come at the expense of eating a balanced and varied diet, low in saturated fat but also rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.


  'Often, processed, low-calorie food can contain high levels of sugar and additives, and so may not be as healthy as people think.'
