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细嚼慢咽能减肥 狼吞虎咽易发胖

  In the first, they wanted to see if the obese men chewed their food differently to their lean rivals.


  Each volunteer was given a pork pie and filmed by a secret camera to test how many times they chewed before swallowing.


  The results found that, although the obese men chewed at the same speed as the slim ones, they swallowed their food much more quickly.


  In the second experiment, both groups were given another portion of pork pie to chew 15 times then swallow, before repeating the exercise but chewing 40 times instead.


  Researchers found that when volunteers chewed for longer they consumed 11.9 per cent fewer calories, regardless of whether they were slender or obese.


  Blood tests taken 90 minutes after eating showed volunteers also had much lower levels of ghrelin when they had chewed each portion 40 times rather 15.


  In a report on their findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the researchers said eating more slowly could be a simple and effective way of tackling weight problems.


  They said: ‘Research indicates eating quickly, gorging and binge eating have a substantial effect on being overweight.


  A survey of 1,000 people last year by the sandwich chain Subway showed the average person in Britain chews their food just six times before swallowing it.


  Young, busy professionals in the 25-34 age group were the worst culprits.


  The same survey found 15 per cent of people regularly ate a meal while walking and only half routinely sit down to eat at a table.


  Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George’s Hospital, London, said although eating more slowly may have some effect on gut hormone levels, the benefits are more likely psychological.

  伦敦圣乔治医院的首席营养师Catherine Collins细嚼慢咽不仅会对肠胃激素产生影响,在心理方面也是好处多多。

  ‘When you gulp down your food, you don’t realise you’re eating so much.


  ‘But chewing for longer makes you more likely to notice the taste, smell and texture, which makes you more aware of what you’re eating and how much.


  ‘As a result, you’re less likely to feel hungry again ten minutes later.’
