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  The well-publicised health benefits of dark chocolate have given many chocolate lovers an added reason to indulge in recent years.


  Sales have doubled in the past five years and are worth ?85 million a year in Britain alone. Conveniently forgotten, however, is the fact that a bar of dark chocolate still contains high volumes of fat and sugar.


  So how do you enjoy the health benefits of cocoa without the worry of an expanding waistline?


  Raw-food expert and nutritionist Jessica Fenton says the answer lies in the unadulterated beans of the cacao pod. This, she says, is the real superfood, and it is quite different from its foil-wrapped relative.

  食品原材料专家Jessica Fenton表示,黑巧克力健康但又不发胖的关键在于纯正的和谐豆荚。她说,真正的黑巧克力与那些由铝箔纸所包装的类似的产品还是有很大的区别的。

  Cacao pods, which grow on trees, originated in Central and South America. Ancient South American civilisations prized them so much for their medicinal and aphrodisiacal properties, they even used them as currency.


  'The modern manufacturing process for chocolate bars involves firstly harvesting the pods, which contain seeds known as cocoa beans,' explains Fenton.


  'The pods are crushed and the beans and surrounding pulp extracted, fermented, then dried – either naturally by the sun or mechanically in a factory.
