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招聘季节 面试时有何禁忌

  It might be considered the sincerest form of flattery, but if you take imitation too far in a job interview you could be giving the wrong impression to a potential employer. While subtle forms of mimicking mannerisms and body language can be useful in social situations, it might not have any benefit in the boardroom, research has shown.


  Scientists have discovered excessive copycatting in a job interview situation leaves an employer thinking you are incompetent, untrustworthy and not very likeable. A study has shown that - much like the mocking playground game of parroting - excessive mimicry of the wrong person can be annoying.


  Studies have shown that gentle imitation usually acts as a 'social glue' in human relationships, fostering rapport and trust. Two people who like each other will strengthen their bond by unconsciously mirroring each other's mannerism in a subtle way, such as leaning forward in close synchrony.


  But in recent years, mirroring has been used as conscious strategy by people who want to succeed in business. However, the new research suggests this could cost your reputation and refraining from imitation might be a more shrewd move. The study was undertaken by the University of California's psychology department and other philosophers. Piotr Winkielman, a professor of psychology at the university in San Diego, said: 'Mimicry is a crucial part of social intelligence. But it is not enough to simply know how to mimic. 'It's also important to know when and when not to. The success of mirroring depends on mirroring the right people at the right time for the right reasons. Sometimes the socially intelligent thing to do is not to imitate.'

  然而,在近几年,那些在商业上希望获得成功的人越来越倾向使用这种“社交方法”来取得认同,然而结果却遭致名誉的损伤以及适得其反的效果。来自加里福利亚大学的心理学家结果分析后,心理学教授Piotr Winkielman说:“模仿可以作为一种社交礼节而被广泛认同,然而单纯的模仿是远远不够的,要把握时机、要懂得如何掌握火候,找到正确的对象进行交谈,这好比谈恋爱,要在对的时间、对的地点、碰到对的人,才能让感情维持得更长久。”