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  [4] Definitely, Maybe 绝对,也许

Definitely, Maybe

Definitely, Maybe

  Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds) is a 38-year-old father who is in the midst of a divorce. After her first sex-ed class, his 10-year-old daughter Maya (Abigail Breslin) insists on hearing the story of how her parents met. Will gives in, but decides to change the names and some of the facts relating to the various love affairs of his youth, thereby creating a love mystery; Maya is left guessing which of the women will turn out to be her mother. The story he tells Maya is depicted in long flashbacks. From time to time the film switches back to the present, where Maya comments (often disdainfully) and asks questions.。。

  威尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 饰)的女儿玛雅(阿比吉尔·布莱斯林 饰)在学校学习了性教育之后,回到家中嚷着要父亲给她讲述关于自己的爱情故事。雅玛更想努力的从故事中找到母亲的形象,虽然她的父母已离婚。1992年,威尔暂时别离的女友艾米莉(伊丽莎白·班克斯 饰)独自来到纽约发展自己的事业,他是协助克林顿竞选总统的竞选战团的一员。威尔雄心勃勃,可是他的事业却不如想象中顺利。感情路也是如此,寂寞的威尔跟战团员工艾波(艾拉·费舍尔 饰)、新闻记者夏曼(蕾切尔·薇姿 饰)发展出若有似无的感情,最后他甚至与同样出轨了的艾米莉分手收场。即使到后来威尔在纽约站稳了脚,有了自己的公司,他还是兜兜转转在这三个女人当中,到底谁是他的真爱?
