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  Three miscarriages later the couple settled in Paris where they awaited the birth of their son. But having met in another life, in another world, they discovered that domesticity can be the toughest battle of all. Their new, married life in Paris was meant to be smaller, and so they shed much of their past. More difficult to let go of was the killing and violence they had witnessed, which had found a way of creeping inside them. Childbirth for Ms di Giovanni reanimated many of the fears she thought she had safely put away. She fretted that she would not be able to protect her child. She had nightmares. But in spring the nightmares ended and she saw that the baby was thriving. Adjustment was harder for Mr Girodon. He drank to blot out his nightmares. Alcohol made him depressed, though, and to drown the pain he drank more. He grew thin and stopped sleeping. Unable to continue alone, he checked into a clinic. Eventually the couple parted.dI Giovanni

      三次流产之后,这对夫妻在巴黎定居,等待儿子的降生。然而已经遭遇过另一个世界里的不一样的生活,他们发现居家生活根本就是最严酷的战争。在巴黎,刚刚开启的婚姻生活注定无法长久,而且他们放弃了太多过去种种。更难以释怀的是他们曾亲眼所见的杀戮与暴力,这些东西悄悄在他们心中蔓延。对于di Giovanni来说,生孩子这件事重新唤起了太多恐惧感,而她原以为自己已经彻底摆脱。她对自己没能力保护孩子而感到焦虑,噩梦不断。但是到了春天,梦魇结束,她看到孩子在茁壮成长。调整自身这件事对Girodon来说更难做到。他酗酒好让自己忘却噩梦,然而酒精让他陷入抑郁,变本加厉借酒消愁。他变得愈发瘦弱,失眠,无法继续独自生活下去,继而住进了医院。最终这对夫妇劳燕分飞。


      The very private Mr Girodon dreaded being exposed in a book, but he courageously defends his wife’s right to write her own story. “Ghosts by Daylight” is no misery memoir, but a powerful lesson. Two people can love each other deeply, have a child, but still, in the end, not make it together.
