能否学好数学由基因决定 与智商无关
Previous research has indicated that ‘number sense’ is basic to humans. We use it to estimate such things as the number of seats in a cinema or crowd sizes. U.S. psychologists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore made their finding after testing children too young to have been taught mathematics. During the study, 200 four-year-olds viewed flashing groups of blue and yellow dots on a computer screen and were asked which colour was shown the most. The children then had to count items on a page, determine which of two numbers was greater or lesser, as well as read numbers. They were also tested on calculation skills, such as multiplication. The participants’ parents were then asked about their child’s vocabulary.
之前的许多研究报告将所谓的“数字能力”与人类的智力程度联系在一起,我们用“数字感觉”来计算在我们身边的所有可以用来做算术题的东西,比如说电影院的座椅等等。然而,来自Johns Hopkins大学的心理学家却认为我们让我们的孩子过早接触数学,有一项针对200名年仅4岁儿童的研究测试了儿童的“数字能力”与“语言能力”之间的关系。
The verbal test was done because language and maths abilities are thought to be linked through general intelligence. The researchers wanted to be sure success in maths was not part of an ability to perform better in all sorts of tasks or to some children feeling more comfortable being tested than others.
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