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  Eve said: ‘It's enormous - I really can't believe it's grown this tall.


  ‘I planted a few seeds with my granddaughter so we could have a race to grow the biggest one.


  ‘This was one of the leftover ones so I thought I might as well sow it and see what happened.


  ‘I watered it every day, but I didn't put anything special in the soil or anything daft. And it just carried on growing.


  ‘This is by far the biggest sunflower I've ever had - usually they're around 12ft.


  ‘My neighbours and visitors have all been quite surprised and shocked at the size - they think it's a beast.


  ‘I've heard of people talking to their plants to make them grow and I've never done that, but I have started telling it how well it is doing since it got

  really big.’


  According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's tallest sunflower was an incredible 26ft 4in (8.03m).


  It belonged to Hans-Peter Schiffer and was measured in Kaarst-Voorst, Germany, on August 17, 2009.

  那株植物的主人名叫Hans-Peter Schiffer,2009年8月17日在德国的Kaarst-Voorst测量株高之后载入了纪录大全。