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  Increasing numbers of children need hospital treatment for gut allergies caused by reactions to everyday foods such as milk and bread, claims a leading doctor. Some experts believe over-hygienic lifestyles are driving the rise in allergies and asthma. Previous generations were exposed to more dirt and microorganisms, which kickstarted their immune systems. Other causes could include Caesarean births, which may affect the immune system, and early use of antibiotics.


  Gut allergies are difficult to pinpoint. Some sufferers have to wait years to get a proper diagnosis, suffering pain and losing valuable time at school, according to Dr Nikhil Thapar of Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. Dr Thapar, a consultant gastroenterologist and clinician scientist, hopes tests will be developed within a ‘couple of years’ that are faster and more sophisticated than existing methods which include endoscopy and eliminating certain foods.

  一般来说,肠道过敏症状很难被确诊,这种疾病要花几年的时间去诊断。来自伦敦的医生Dr Nikhi Thapar希望关于肠道过敏疾病的确诊能够效率更高一些,效果更好一些,当然这些日常的检查手段包括内窥镜检查还有进行食物测试等等。

  He said his unit investigates hundreds of children a year with gut allergies. A rising number are affected by common foods such as cow’s milk, wheat, soya, eggs, celery, kiwi fruit and other fruit and vegetables. Food allergy can take the form of a sudden life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis, as well as eczema or an itchy rash. Studies estimate 4 per cent of children have a food allergy.

  据医生Dr Nikhi Thapar了解,每年有上百儿童感染肠道疾病,这些疾病大都因食物所引起,容易引起肠道敏感疾病的食物有很多,比如:牛奶、小麦、大豆、鸡蛋、芹菜、奇异果等等。这些食物容易引起肠道的过敏性反应、湿疹、以及发痒性皮疹等等。据悉,有4%的儿童感染过肠道过敏性疾病。

  Modifying the diet is still a major part of treatment although drugs can help. Doctors eliminate various foods from the diet and then re-introduce them to see if they cause a reaction. ‘It used to be thought that children grew out of gut allergy but they don’t necessarily do so’ said Dr Thapar. A more rapid version of an endoscopy to take tissues samples from the bowel via a tube sent down through the oesophagus would reduce time spent in hospital, he said.
