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1. Make a cool appearance
It is very necessary to make a cool and neat appearance of you whenever you go in front of that girl.
1. 保持外表干净、帅气:不论是不是要去见心仪的女生,保持干净、帅气的外表对男生来说都是很重要的。

2. Never Show off
Girls actually hate the show off thing. Don’t ever put a fake thing that you are not. Be yourself and do your best. That will surely impress girls.
2. 不要炫耀:其实女生很讨厌别人在她们面前炫耀,更不要为了炫耀编故事。做自己才是最好的,这样才能让女生对你留下好印象。

3. Respect and Admiration
Always respect and admire the girl, because girls love when you admire them, treat her with kindness.
3. 尊重女士、学会赞扬:学会尊重和赞扬女性,因为女生永远是喜欢被人表扬,喜欢被温柔对待的。

4. Meaningful talk
While talking to her don’t discuss controversial issues and don’t talk endlessly. Especially discuss things that have her interest and surely will catch your attention.
4. 别唠叨:和她说话的时候不要讨论些有争议的话题,也不要没完没了说个不停。和她讨论些她感兴趣的事会让她对你印象更深。

5. Take interest in her interests
Listen carefully to whatever girls says or in which she has interest. Respond to the talking quickly and throw back the questions to her to make her keep talking about that subject.
5. 聊些她感兴趣的话题:不论你面前这个女生在说什么或者她感兴趣什么,请仔细倾听,并问她些问题来让她继续深入这个话题。