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5. Gerald Ford, 895 Days

In Office: August 9, 1974 — January 20, 1977


Served the remainder of Nixon's term. Not elected for full term. In foreign policy, the Helsinki Accords marked a move toward detente in the Cold War, even as the former ally South Vietnam was invaded and conquered by North Vietnam; Ford did not intervene, but did help extract friends of the U.S. At home, the economy suffered from inflation and recession. Ford came under intense criticism for granting a preemptive pardon to President Richard Nixon for his role in the Watergate scandal.

继Nixon后,Ford继位。未能完成完整任期。对于外交政策,Helsinki Accords见证了冷战趋于缓和,正如前联盟南越南被北越南入侵且占领;Ford并未干涉,但是他确实帮助了一些美国的亲密国家。而国内,经济正遭受通货膨胀和衰退。Ford在无条件赦免因“水门丑闻”而下台的前总统Richard Nixon的事件上受到了严重批评。