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Penelope Trunk knows something about risk. A nationally syndicated columnist, Ms. Trunk shocked the business community when she revealed intimate details of her personal life on her blog. At the time, many weren't sure this was the right move, but the blog shot up in popularity and eventually garnered over 30,000 subscribers.
佩尼洛普.特伦克(Penelope Trunk)对风险有些了解。作为一位全国知名的专栏作家,特伦克在博客中自揭私生活的隐密细节,这让商界震惊不已。当时,很多人都怀疑这是否是明智之举,不过她的博客却大受欢迎,最终吸引了3万多名注册用户。

If not for that loyal following, Ms. Trunk might not have been able to make a case for her current venture, Brazen Careerist (BrazenCareerist.com), an online professional network for Generation Y.
如果不是有这些忠心的用户,特伦克或许根本无法找出一个说得通的理由推出自己的网站Brazen Careerist (BrazenCareerist.com)。这是一个面向80后的在线专业网络。

Launching a new company is a perilous endeavor, but Ms. Trunk thought the risk was worth it. 'This world isn't set up for writers to get anywhere,' she says. 'Although I went into massive debt and ended up sacrificing my marriage, it was essential that I take my career into my own hands.'
本文作者Alexandra Levit成立新公司是个危险的举动,不过特伦克认为值得冒这样的风险。她说,这个世界并不利于作家的发展;尽管我陷入了重重债务,最后还牺牲了我的婚姻,但重要的是我将职业把握在了自己手里。

As a result, she is no longer dependent on publications for her livelihood and has achieved one of her lifetime goals -- to serve as a mentor to twenty-something employees.