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  [1]Pretended to work假装在工作

  "Well, you could just sit at your desk and go to sleep with a pen in your hand. "额, 只能坐在办公椅上,手里拿着一支笔打盹。

  [2] Searched for cat pictures ... but not online找猫咪的图片,但不是在网上搜

  "I flipped through magazines looking for funny pictures of cats doing funny things."我翻翻杂志,挑那些滑稽猫咪的图片。

  [3] Daydream做白日梦

  "Honestly? Stare out of the window and daydream. I had so many more good ideas back then."老实说,(无聊时)就凝视着窗外幻想。回到办公室后我会文思泉涌。

  [4] Sent prank faxes to other offices向其他办公室发恶作剧传真

  "We'd send a filthy

  fax to some of the other companies. And receive some of the filthiest jokes and drawings back. Some of them ended up on the wall in the copy room."我们给其他公司发污秽照片,接着会收到黄色笑话或者图片。最终有些就被贴在复印室了。

  [5] Played Minesweeper and Solitaire扫雷和纸牌游戏

  "There was no internet but thanks to Windows 95, I played Solitaire and Minesweeper all day long."虽然不能上网,但幸亏Windows 95里我还可以玩扫雷和纸牌游戏,这个可以耗掉一整天。

  [6] Invented and Played Office Games自创办公室游戏

  We spent many hours playing 'shelf-ball。我们会花很多时间玩一种叫做“架子球”的游戏。


  - Tennis Ball 网球

  - Mailboxes 邮箱盒子


  - The ball must bounce 球必须得弹起来

  - You get 1 point for making it in any mailbox球落到任意邮箱里,得1分。

  - You get 2 points for making it in a corner mailbox落到角落的盒子里,得2分。

  - You lose 1 point for making it in your boss' or opponent's mailbox落到老板或者对手的盒子里,扣1分。

  - You get 3 points for making it in your own mailbox落到自己的邮箱里,得3分。

  - First person to get 5 points wins"最先积满5分者获胜。

  [7] Read junk mail查看垃圾邮件

  "I talk to my older co-workers about this a lot. You know all that mail you get -- magazines, trade publications, seminar sign ups, etc. -- that you just throw in the trash every day? Before the internet you would sit around and read that s--t."我常和老员工谈起这个。经常会收到有关杂志、商业报刊、研讨会申请等等的垃圾邮件。你都丢到垃圾筒了?断网无所事事时,你可以看看这些邮件。

  [8] Took long lunches延长中餐时间

  [9] Took more smoke breaks多抽几根烟休息下

  [10] Went home early提前下班回家
