教你打败巴菲特 自己做股神
可以用E.F. Hutton证券公司那句著名的广告语来形容沃伦.巴菲特(Warren Buffett):当他开口说话时,人们总是洗耳恭听。
Warren Buffett is like the old commercial for E.F. Hutton. When he talks, people listen。
When he calls for higher taxes on the rich, they may agree or not. But he gets their attention。

When he warns that derivatives are weapons of financial mass destruction, they pay attention, briefly ... then forget all about it, until the derivatives blow up the economy a few years later。
当巴菲特像上月那样向美国银行(Bank of America)注资50亿美元时,他可以凭借一己之力引发股票的上扬行情,改变这只陷入困境的银行股的人气,甚至可能改变人们对整个经济的看法。
And when he steps in to write a $5 billion check to Bank of America, as he did last month, he can single-handedly spark a rally and a change of sentiment toward the beleaguered bank -- and maybe even the economy。
It's no mystery why Mr. Buffett has this kind of clout. He has made a career of being right when the rest of Wall Street was being wrong. And he has amassed an estimated $50 billion fortune, all of it from investing, to prove it。
But this isn't like watching a sporting event. You don't just have to sit in the stands and gape at the exploits of others. You may not be able to build a $50 billion fortune, but there are plenty of ways you can be your own Warren Buffett。
这可不是一句玩笑话。巴菲特的财富是多年稳步积累的成果。自20世纪60年代中期以来,他的伯克希尔口哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)每股账面价值的平均年增长率约为20%,考虑通货膨胀因素后约为16%。今天,大多数信用卡收取的利率都达到或超过这个水平,而且你要用税后收入来偿还利息。但是,有无数人还是继续每个月保持信用卡欠款。这意味着向你提供贷款的银行每个月从你这里赚取了相当于巴菲特水平的回报率。
Pay off your credit cards。
No kidding. Mr. Buffett's wealth is a triumph of steady compounding over many years. Since the mid-1960s, his company, Berkshire Hathaway, has grown its book value per share by an average of about 20% a year -- or 16% a year after counting inflation.Today, most credit cards charge that, or more -- and you're paying the interest with after-tax dollars. But millions of people continue to carry a balance each month. That means your lender is earning Buffett-style returns -- from you!
Take your company's 401(k) match。
Does your employer offer to match the first dollars you pay into your 401(k) each year? Matching dollars offer you a 100% return on the money you put in -- even before counting the tax break or the investment returns.Beat that, Mr. Buffett! His 20% doesn't even come close. Hard to believe, but many workers still pass this up。
Get a 30-year mortgage。
You can get a fixed-rate, 30-year home loan with an interest rate of 4.1%. That's a deal. This summer a Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary borrowed $800 million for 30 years. The rate: around 5%。
Buy ConocoPhillips stock。
Oil giant ConocoPhillips is trading at $67 a share. Mr. Buffett paid $70 a share for his $2 billion stake. He has admitted to making a blunder by loading up on this stock during the 2008 oil boom, and just before the stock-market crash. Still, he has held on to most of his position. Conoco today looks cheap at eight times forecast earnings for the next 12 months, with a near-4% dividend yield。
Buy stock in Sanofi。
Mr. Buffett owns about 2% of French drug maker Sanofi, whose products include sleep aid Ambien. He paid the equivalent of $40 per American depositary receipt (the U.S.-traded shares of an overseas company). You can get them for $35. Sanofi trades at a cheap eight times likely earnings over the next 12 months, with a dividend yield of 3.6%。
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