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教你打败巴菲特 自己做股神


  6.购买富国银行(Wells Fargo)的股票。


  Buy Wells Fargo shares。


  Wells Fargo is Mr. Buffett's favorite bank. He has been loading up for years, and his confidence in the San Francisco-based financial institution proved justified when it withstood the financial crisis far better than many of its big competitors. Among the results: The bank was able to buy up rival Wachovia for a song。

  Mr. Buffett was adding to his Wells Fargo stake in the second quarter, when shares averaged about $28. Today, thanks to the summer market slump, they're at $24. That's just a little over the bank's book value, and cheap by historical measures。

  7.购买卡夫食品(Kraft Foods)的股票。



  同时,这家公司的股息收益率为3.4%,看起来和它生产的三角牌巧克力(Toblerone)的味道一样好。卡夫的产品还包括:趣多多软曲奇(Chips Ahoy cookies)、Cheez Whiz奶酪和Oscar Mayer午餐肉。

  Buy shares of Kraft Foods。

  Mr. Buffett has shaved his position in this maker of Chips Ahoy cookies, Cheez Whiz and Oscar Mayer lunch meats, but he still retains a stake of more than $3 billion. He paid an average of $33 a share, but that was several years ago. Today, you can get shares of Kraft Foods for $34. After accounting for inflation, you're paying less than Mr. Buffett did。

  Kraft recently announced plans to split its North American grocery and global snacks businesses into two companies, in the hope of unlocking shareholder value. (Mr. Buffett supports the move。) This follows last year's costly takeover of U.K. candy company Cadbury, which has boosted Kraft's presence in fast-growing emerging markets。

  Meanwhile, the company's dividend yield, at 3.4%, looks as tasty as Toblerone。

  8.购买美国合众银行(U.S. Bancorp)的股票。

  按资产规模计算,总部位于明尼阿波利斯的美国合众银行是美国第六大银行,这是巴菲特喜欢的又一只金融股。(他持有的股权价值超过20亿美元。) 这家银行一直保持着从金融危机的阴影下复苏的态势:最近一个季度的收益增长了三分之一,因为该银行放出了更多贷款,而且坏账冲销大幅减少。


  Buy U.S. Bancorp stock。

  Minneapolis-based U.S. Bancorp, the country's sixth-largest bank by assets, is another financial stock Mr. Buffett likes. (His stake is valued at over $2 billion。) The bank has been recovering from the financial crisis: Latest quarterly earnings jumped by a third, as the bank lent more and its charge-offs tumbled。

  USB has started ramping up dividends this year and buying back stock. Mr. Buffett paid $31 a share for his stake. You can get shares for $22, a mere nine times forecast 12-month earnings。





  Be the Oracle of Omaha at home。

  Any time you can find a way to earn better than 20%, you're beating Mr. Buffett. OK, I'm being silly. Or am I?

  An example: It will cost you $50 for an adapter to dump your landline and connect your phone to the Internet instead. Even if that saves you just $10 a year, that's 20%. (It will probably save you much more。) And money saved is both risk-free and exempt from taxes。

  These sums are chickenfeed, you say? Save $10 a year, at 20%, and after 40 years you'd have $74,000. So maybe it's not so silly。



  Buy shares in Berkshire Hathaway。

  If you can't beat him, join him. The more affordable Berkshire Hathaway 'B' shares cost just $69 -- down from nearly $90 this spring and a peak of nearly $100 back in 2007. They're less than 15 times forecast 12-month earnings -- low by historical standards, and nearly as low as they were during the stock-market crash。