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  No. 5 Metal Gear Solid   第五名 合金装备

  Konami’ first introduced us to ‘Metal Gear Solid‘ in 1998 and since then gamers have been hooked. Following the story of the iconic character ‘Solid Snake’, players take on the role of sneakily infiltrating and neutralising terrorist threats and ultimately facing off against the latest incarnation of the super-weapon “Metal Gear”. The game series is proclaimed as the one that made the stealth genre popular, which has since resulted in many imitations. More instalments are set to be released on several different platforms, ensuring that Solid Snake will continue to entertain fans across the globe for a long time to come。

  自从科纳米在 1998年发售“合金装备”系列以来,玩家们便深深痴迷其中。跟随着看板人物“索利德·斯内克”的故事,玩家要进行一系列的匿踪渗透,化解恐怖袭击,并最终面对终极超级兵器“合金装备”。这个系列开创了颇受欢迎的潜入类游戏流派,并带起了一大批模仿者。多部资料片在不同游戏平台发布,我们确信,索利德斯内克仍将在接下来的很长时间内为全球玩家带来乐趣。