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  No.6 Gran Turismo  第六名 GT赛车

  The hugely popular and highly acclaimed racing game ‘Gran Turismo‘ has entertained millions ofbgamers over the years. Since Polyphony Digital first introduced the series in 1997, over 63 million units have been sold worldwide on the variety of Sony Playstation consoles. Stunning graphics and the ability to race some of the most iconic vehicles of all time make the game so appealing to gamers. Branded as “the real driving simulator” meticulous detail has been given to the way the cars react, which have been modelled on the real life cars. Real race tracks that are world famous have also been fully modelled allowing players to race their favourite cars around the circuits at Monaco, Nurburgring, Laguna Seca and many more. If you are a fan of racing games or even just cars in general, you will appreciate that Gran Turismo is a great series。

  极受欢迎且被高度评价的竞速游戏 “GT赛车”已经在多年中为数百万玩家带来了欢乐。自从PD工作室在1997年研发了该系列的首款游戏以来,超过63000000的游戏碟基于索尼PS的各种平台销售于世界范围。极精致的画面及驾驭各种标志性跑车参加竞速的体验使无数玩家为之疯狂。“模拟真实驾驶”的口号则来自于对现实中驾驶时车辆反应的精细还原。世界闻名的真实赛道也在游戏内忠实体现,使玩家可以驾驶着自己钟爱的跑车在摩纳哥、纽伯格林、拉古纳瑟卡和更多著名赛道上尽情狂飙。如果你是一名赛车游戏爱好者,甚至仅仅就是喜欢名车,你必会钟爱于GT赛车这款伟大的系列游戏。