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  No.8 Pokemon  第八名 口袋妖怪

   You must have been living under a rock for the last 15 years if you haven’t heard of Pokemon. A truly massive franchise that has huge following and cultural impact on all corners of the globe. Pokemon was first introduced in 1996 as a pair of linkable Gameboy RPG games. Since then it has grown to become one of the biggest gaming franchises in the world, with huge amounts of merchandising including, anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, films, TV shows and countless others. The video games allow players to search for and catch different varieties of Pokemon to use in battles. A big part of the game is to try to “catch them all” and collect every type of Pokemon in the game including the iconic ‘Pikachu’ character. Pokemon have shown itself to be a hugely popular series that continues to gain fans of all ages。

  如果你没听说过口袋妖怪的鼎鼎大名,那么过去十五年里你一定过着与世隔绝的生活。这是一款在全球各个角落都有着无数拥趸和话题的真真正正的重量级系列游戏。口袋妖怪于1996年在GB平台上发布了一对相互联系的 RPG作品,并在这之后发展为全球最大的系列性游戏,并带来了数量庞大的周边营销。这其中包括了动画,漫画,集换式卡牌,手办,书籍,电影和电视节目及无数其他周边。游戏允许玩家搜寻并捕获各种不同的口袋妖怪,并将其用于战斗之中。游戏的一个重要元素就是“全搜集”,即搜集游戏中的每一种口袋妖怪角色,包括标志性的“皮卡丘”。口袋妖怪成为了一款极受欢迎的系列游戏,至今仍不断从各个领域吸收着新的粉丝。