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      Whether you are trying to impress that special someone on your first date, or you're just trying to look (and smell) more pleasant when you leave for the office or the local pub, proper grooming is crucial for making a good impression. If you're in the dark about proper grooming habits, like a lot of guys out there, you have nothing to fear. Just read this list of 10 essential grooming tips for men to help you look more polished and presentable, while still having a masculine appearance:


1. Trim Nose Hairs 修剪你的鼻毛
      Protruding nose hairs are never, ever acceptable. They cannot be used to enhance appearance, and are just flat-out unsightly. Invest in a pair of nose hairs trimmers or tweezers and make sure you always keep those puppies where they should be - in your nose! Specialized nose clippers are also available for that quick, nose hair trim.


2. Take Care of Your Eyebrows 注意你的眉毛
      Eyebrow maintenance is not restricted to women only. While you want to avoid thin, feminine eyebrows, you do want to keep them somewhat cleaned and polished. Consider a little plucking and trimming to keep them inline and straight while keeping them full and masculine. And in case you were wondering, they're called "eyebrows," not "eyebrow." Always make sure there are two of them before heading out, not just one.


3. Take Care of Your Lips 注意你的嘴唇
      While most men feel awkward when it comes to applying anything to their lips, they need to remember: lip balm is not lipstick. Preventing chapped lips is important for proper grooming and will help prevent your lips from crusting and bleeding. If you're afraid it will make you look too feminine, just avoid the glittery and ultra-glossy variety.


4. Groom Your Ears 装扮你的耳朵
      Men often overlook their ears during their regular grooming session. Ear hairs, ear wax, dry skin and build-up in and around the ears should all be taken care of as a part of your grooming regimen. Pay special attention to your ears right after having your hair cut because there will definitely be unsightly hair trimmings inside and around your ears that your barber is likely to miss.


5. Brush and Floss Regularly 定期刷牙并用洁牙线剔牙
      Most men know that brushing their teeth is important. The problem is, many are guilty of not knowing how to brush properly. And flossing? Flossing is probably skipped by the majority of men out there. Just remember that the plaque between your teeth can cause bad breath as well.
