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三星强悍智能机即将上市 屏幕可弯曲不易碎


  The Galaxy Skin phone will be so flexible that you can roll it up - and may be in shops early next year。

  Demonstrations of "bendable" screens have been a staple of technology shows ever since there were screens small enough。

  This week, Samsung has given the strongest sign yet that the hi-tech devices might become reality。

  Reports this week hint that phones using the technology - which can be "rolled up" and survive hammer blows - will appear in the second quarter of next year。

  The technology relies on atom-thick layers of "graphene" - sheets of carbon atoms - sandwiched together, protecting a layer of liquid crystal "screen"。

  Phones using Graphene screens would be practically unbreakable, and offer an instant advantage over every other smartphone on the market。

  Now, according to reports in the International Business Times, the handsets could be on sale early next year。

  The reports also stated that the handset would offer specifications including a high-resolution 800×480 flexible AMOLED screen, eight megapixel camera and 1GB of RAM as well as a 1.2GHz processor。

  Will Findlater, editor of Stuff magazine said: "AMOLED is already the mobile screen technology to beat, so if it’s as good as promised, flexible AMOLED could put an end to smashed smartphone displays - and tablets, which are even more fragile."