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      There's no stopping advancement. Tools are becoming more sophisticated and everything seems to be getting faster, more efficient, more compact or hands-free.


      But there are some things that were just fine the way they were, in fact some things were better before we made it “better”.

1. Coke. Coca-cola in a glass bottle. This not only looks cooler than a plastic bottle or can but there’s something about ice cold coke from a glass bottle that makes it taste better too.

2. Organizers. I'm still fond of the trusty pen and paper. For me, tasks are better remembered when I physically write them down. There is a sense of accomplishment by being able to cross completed tasks off a list. I just don't get the same feeling ticking a box on a screen.


3. Phones. While cell phones are convenient they can be very intrusive. I don't like the idea of anyone person being accessible 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If you've ever had a cell phone/blackberry/iPhone for work then you know they come with the attached expectation that you will be available. All the time. I like the idea of a land line with a good old fashioned answering machine. If you're not around to answer the phone you're likely doing something of value to you and it's nice not to be distracted from that.

      电话。手机一方面十分便捷,而另一方面则很烦人。我并不赞同这种“可以在一年任何时间都能联系”的概念。如果我们工作时曾用过手机/黑莓/iphone的话就会知道,这些东西就是诞生的前提就是假设你一直都是有空的。 至始至终我都欣赏那种有答录机的有线电话。如果正好在做其他正事而不能接电话,那么这项功能可以让你不被打扰。