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      Billboards and display advertising have become so much a feature of our daily lives, it's easy to ignore them amid the general clutter.

      Which is why more attention-grabbing techniques have caught on in the promotion world, all of which can be covered with the term "guerilla advertising." These unconventional stunts aim to be interactive, thought-provoking, or downright weird - whatever it takes to get your attention and make you remember the brand or product it's promoting.

      In an exclusive excerpt from Gavin Lucas' new book, "Guerilla Advertising 2" (Laurence King, $40), here are some of the wildest recent marketing campaigns from around the world:
      以下独家猛料摘自嘉文·卢卡斯的新书《非正规广告II》(Laurence King出版社,40美元),在此你将见识全球范围内一些最狂野的营销活动:


      Supporting cellphone company T-Mobile's slogan, "Life's for Sharing," their ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi organized a guerilla flash mob in London's Liverpool Street Station. Dozens of dancers disguised as typical passengers broke out into a medley of dance floor beats. This, along with the reactions from the genuine commuters, were turned into a popular TV commercial.
      为了支持手机公司 T-Mobile的广告语“生活就是为分享”,他们的广告代理公司盛世长城在伦敦的利物浦车站组织了一场游击快闪。成堆的舞者假装成一般的乘客突然参与到舞池的节奏与旋律中去。而这,合着如假包换的通勤客的反应,被制作成了一则相当流行的电视广告。