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The word change can conjure up many different feelings. When you think of the word do you get apprehensive or excited? Do you welcome change with open arms or do you fight it with everything you've got? Everyone responds differently, but you are more likely to be accepting of change if you are the creator and you are more likely to oppose it when it is forced upon you.

If it's true that we would rather initiate change than have it thrust upon us, then why do we not do it more often? Maybe we don't have the time to do it or see it through or maybe we just simply don't know how. Life is full of change and that leads to growth. Change is what keeps us from becoming stagnant, keeps our life moving in the right direction and allows us to achieve the greatness we desire and deserve. Like it or not, we need to be willing to embrace it and work on being agile to go with the flow and change with the tides when something doesn't go according to plan.

Key traits of a catalyst for change

In this sense of the word, a catalyst is a person that causes something else to happen. So a person who is a catalyst for change has a few key traits:

1. Initiative. Catalysts make things happen. These people are focused and determined, they know what they want, where they're going and generally what needs to be done to get there. They are not afraid to put themselves out there and get started.

2. Positive promotion. Catalysts positively promote the new direction or idea. They understand and acknowledge the associated cons, but focus on advocating and generating a buzz around the pros. These people champion the ideas and put themselves behind it fully even when met with resistance. Catalysts work on getting buy-in from as many people as they can so the change is more likely to be accepted and implemented.

3. Make change manageable. Catalysts recognize that not everyone appreciates or welcomes change, in fact they know that some people are dead set against it. Most people are more willing to say "yes" to small, clear, manageable goals as opposed to large, confusing and complicated ones. With this in mind catalysts will break down the idea into more digestible chunks and take a gradual approach to implementing the change as opposed to doing it all at once.

4. Agility. Catalysts are agile by nature. They can quickly change direction, refocus and get back on track when they need to. Not every idea is a good idea, not every idea will be do-able but the ability to pick up and quickly get back on track is a key characteristic of a catalyst for change. They are not dissuaded by opposition, they can take complaints and view them as constructive criticism or suggestions for improvement.