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There are some five million people in the U.S. thought to have Alzheimer's, according to the Alzheimer's Association, and about 36 million cases globally, according to Alzheimer's Disease International.

据老年痴呆症协会的数据,美国有大约500万人被认为患有老年痴呆症,而国际老年痴呆症协会(Alzheimer's Disease International)数据显示,全球患者约3,600万。

"The estimates suggest that in the population, up to half of Alzheimer's cases could be modifiable,' said Deborah Barnes, a psychiatry professor at UCSF who will present the results. "If we changed those risk factors…it could have this huge impact' at the population level, she said in an interview.

加州大学旧金山分校的精神病学教授黛博拉.巴尼斯(Deborah Barnes)负责演示研究结果。她接受采访时说,上述预计表明,所有人口中最多一半的老年痴呆症病患的病情可以减轻。如果我们改变这些风险因素……就有可能在群体水平上产生这种巨大的效应。

One caveat to these findings: They are based on mathematical models that predict what might happen if the assumptions on which the model was based are real. In this case, the researchers assumed that the risk factors caused Alzheimer's disease, which means that if they were modified, the rates of Alzheimer's would change as well.


In reality, the causes of Alzheimer's are still unclear, and it hasn't been proven that stopping smoking, for example, actually lowers one's risk of getting dementia.


These estimates were calculated based on published data about how frequently the risk factors occur in the population as well as the extent to which each factor increases one's risk of Alzheimer's, known as relative risk.


For instance, depression nearly doubles one's risk of developing Alzheimer's. Each factor alone increases one's risk of Alzheimer's anywhere from about 50% to 100%, according to Dr. Barnes.


The next step in this work is to do prevention trials to try to modify these risks to see if they can actually stave off Alzheimer's, Dr. Barnes says. She hopes to conduct a trial on physical activity, because it 'seems like the biggest bang for your buck,' because it is known to help the brain, the heart and mood, she says.
