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20%的用户表示iPhone 4S很坑爹!


Four million people rushed into stores the weekend Apple iPhone 4S launched.But once the geek frenzy wore off, it seems not everybody was over the moon.More than a fifth of iPhone users regret buying their hi-tech handset, a survey has revealed.
iPhone 4S开始销售的那个周末,400万人冲进苹果商店购买。不过,当头脑发热的家伙们都冷静下来后,看样子,就并不是每个人都那么开心了。一项调查显示,超过1/5的iPhone用户表示后悔购买了这部高科技手机。

Forty-three per cent of disappointed users said it was down to 'jealousy' of rival smartphones - possibly the biggest surprise about the poll of 1,694 people.Perhaps the efforts of rival smartphone makers - many of whom have rushed out phones with bigger screens and faster processors in the wake of the underwhelming iPhone 4S - are starting to pay off.

The second-most popular reason for users turning against their new phones was disappointment was the battery life, with 25 per cent saying they felt let down.Others - eight per cent of the total - were disappointed with the email on iPhone 4S.

The survey didn't make clear whether the users were 'fresh' smartphone buyers - ie those likely to be baffled by hi-tech features - or 'switchers' from devices such as BlackBerries, who were more likely to compare iPhone's features with other phones that offered bigger screens, faster processors, or apps such as BlackBerry's excellent email service.

This isn't a death knell for Apple's new handset, though - although the poll was of 1,694 over 18s, not all of them owned iPhones, and in such online polls, moaners tend to be much more vocal than satisfied customers.

Website GoodMobilePhones, which conducted the survey, said, 'Smartphone envy is something that many phone owners experience, but few will admit to, because everybody wants to believe that they own the 'best' phone on the market.

We were really surprised that so many people admitted to regretting their iPhone purchase, because they are regarded by many as the best phones available.