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幸福不遥远 细数你的小幸福 Ⅳ


31. When your dog or cat follows you all over the house.
31. 你养的小猫小狗追着你满屋子跑。

32. The moment you see that you actually got a really good grade on a test or term paper.
32. 发现这次考试考得好。

33. Seeing the person who makes your heart race, even if it’s just for a few seconds in the hallway.
33. 看到那个让你心跳加速的人,即使只是走廊的轻轻一瞥。

34. Hearing a new song you really like and then downloading it and listening to it over and over and over.
34. 听到一首喜欢的歌,下载下来,然后单曲循环。

35. Making momentary eye contact with a cute stranger.
35. 和帅哥/美女路人对视的那一瞬。

36. An honest relationship. No secrets. No lies.
36. 拥有一段相互坦诚的情感,相互之间没有秘密和欺骗。

37. Seeing somebody use and enjoy a gift you gave them.
37. 自己送给人家的礼物,人家很喜欢。

38. When the beer or soda foam goes up out of the glass, but doesn’t spill over.
38. 看到啤酒或汽水泡沫漫上杯缘,却没有流出来。

39. Being able to tell someone some genuine good news.
39. 有好消息和别人分享。

40. When someone scratches an itch on your back for you.
40. 人家挠你痒痒的时候。

幸福不遥远 细数你的小幸福 III