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幸福不遥远 细数你的小幸福 VI


61. The “butterflies in your stomach” feeling of a new romantic relationship.
61. 开始新恋情之前,心中小鹿乱撞的感觉。

62. Waking up from a weird dream and remembering every last detail.
62. 做了个怪梦后醒来,发现自己居然记得所有细节。

63. When your roommate goes away for the weekend and you have the whole apartment to yourself.
63. 周末室友不在,你可以独霸天下。

64. Seeing rainbows through your yard sprinkler.
64. 用浇花器弄出来一道小彩虹。

65. Hitting all green lights while driving when you are in a rush.
65. 要迟到的时候,一路上遇到的都是绿灯。

66. Singing and dancing around the house with music blaring when no one is home.
66. 趁没人在家的时候伴着音乐又唱又跳。

67. Falling in love with someone.
67. 谈恋爱。

68. Turning right to the book or magazine page you were looking for.
68. 一翻就翻到了杂志/报纸你想看的那一页。

69. When your birthday lands on the weekend.
69. 生日正好是周末。

70. When your jaws and cheeks ache from too much laughing.
70. 笑到嘴巴和脸都酸了。

幸福不遥远 细数你的小幸福 Ⅳ