Erard先生称真正的精通超多语言者应从掌握11门语言算起,而且尽管传言四起,能经受住考验的实例确少之甚少。成长于黎巴嫩现居于巴西的Ziad Fazah曾因会58种语言而被载入吉尼斯世界纪录,却在一台智利的电视节目中在无准备状态下受到母语使用的突袭,以至于完全弄错了用芬兰语、普通话、波斯语和俄语问的问题(包括俄语的“今天周几?”),这个失败带了的耻辱在因YouTube得以长存。也许Ziad Fazah是个骗子,也许他那天只是特别倒霉。精通超多语言者必须对他较薄弱的语言进行几小时甚至是几天的热身或者说是“事先准备”,才能自如运用这些语言。而迅速地在六、七种语言之间来回切换,即使对于那些天赋异禀者来说,也几乎是不可能的。
Does that mean they don't really know them? Is instant availability of native-like competence the only standard for "nowing" a language? How should partly knowing a tongue be tallied? What if you can only read in it? Mr Erard repeatedly peppers his text with such questions, feeling his way through his story as a thoughtful observer, rather than banging about like an academic with a theory to defend or a pitchman with a technique to sell.
Hyperpolyglots are more likely to be introverted than extroverted, which may come as a surprise to some. Hale's son always said that, in his father's case, languages were a cloak for a shy man. Another, Alexander Arguelles, has learned dozens of languages only to read them, saying "It's rare that you have an interesting conversation in English. Why do I think it would be any better in another language?" Emil Krebs, an early-20th-century German diplomat who was also credited with knowing dozens of languages, was boorish in all of them. He once refused to speak to his wife for several months because she told him to put on a winter coat.
令很多人感到惊奇的是,精通超多语言者们的性格更趋于内向。Hale的儿子总是说,在他父亲看来,语言是腼腆者的伪装。另一个名为Alexander Arguelles的人会许多种语言却都仅限于阅读,他解释说“如果你对用英语交谈都罕有兴趣的话,又怎会对说其他语言有更多好感呢?”20世纪上半叶的德国外交官Emil Krebs也被公认会几十种语言,但不管说哪一种都是生硬无礼。他曾有一次几个月都拒绝跟他妻子说话仅因为她让他添一件冬衣。
Different hypotheses may explain part of the language-learner's gift. Some hyperpolyglots seem near-autistic. In support, Mr Erard points to the theory of Simon Baron-Cohen, of Cambridge University, that autists have an "extreme male brain" that seeks to master systems. Another hypothesis is the "Geschwind-Galaburda" cluster of traits. Supposedly resulting from abnormal antenatal exposure to hormones, this cluster includes maleness, homosexuality, left-handedness, poor visual-spatial skills, immune disorders, and perhaps also language-learning talent. Brain areas are also keyed to certain skills. The left Heschl’s gyrus is bigger than average in professional phoneticians. People who learn new vocabulary quickly show more activity in the hippocampus. Krebs's brain, preserved in slices at a laboratory in Dusseldorf, shows various unusual features.
不同的假说也许能够解释语言学习者的部分天赋。有一些精通超多语言者显现出自闭的倾向。Erard先生以剑桥大学Simon Baron-Cohen的理论作为例证,即自闭症患者拥有“极端男性大脑”以寻求对事物系统性地掌握。另一个假设则是“Geschwind-Galaburda”的特征簇。这一被推测为因孕期非正常接触到荷尔蒙而导致的特征包括男性向、同性恋、左撇子、立体空间辨别力差、免疫系统紊乱,也可能是学习语言的天赋。大脑的区域与特定的人体机能相联系。专业语音学者的左听皮质区比常人大,而能够快速学习新词汇的人大脑海马区域较常人活跃。Kreb的大脑切片被保存在杜塞尔多夫的一个实验室里,其显示出多种不同寻常的特质。
The discovery of the FOXP2 brain gene, a mutation of which can cause language loss, was met with considerable excitement when it was announced over a decade ago. But the reality is that many parts of the brain work together to produce speech and no single gene, region of the brain or theory can explain successful language-learning. In the end Mr Erard is happy simply to meet interesting characters, tell fascinating tales and round up the research without trying to judge which is the best work.
At the end of his story, however, he finds a surprise in Mezzofanti's archive: flashcards. Stacks of them, in Georgian, Hungarian, Arabic, Algonquin and nine other tongues. The world's most celebrated hyperpolyglot relied on the same tools given to first-year language-learners today. The conclusion? Hyperpolyglots may begin with talent, but they aren't geniuses. They simply enjoy tasks that are drudgery to normal people. The talent and enjoyment drive a virtuous cycle that pushes them to feats others simply shake their heads at, admiration mixed with no small amount of incomprehension.