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Mes amis let us take a moment and go francophile. But first let me preface this by acknowledging that there was in fact a time when my love affair with France hit a dark spot.

Mes amis (译注:法语“我的朋友”),让我们花点时间,来哈哈法国吧。不过在此之前,我要声明一下,曾经有一段时间,我的法兰西之恋中断过。

A longtime francophile — "Anna do you really have to always pronounce croissant with a French accent?" — I did what any person in love would do: I moved. But somewhere along the line France stopped being the romantic place it once had been. My newfound relationship with the place once seductive and alluring turned commonplace and in the midst of dealing with French bureaucracy I was no longer intrigued by the je ne sais quoi.

我爱了她那么久——“安娜,你非得用法国口音来说‘羊角面包’吗?” ——而和所有恋爱中的人一样,我想和所爱长相厮守,于是,我搬到了法国。但是某年某月的某一天,法国突然不再是我心目中那个浪漫的所在了。这个地方曾让我心驰向往、目眩神迷,但如今,我们的关系却变得平庸乏味。而在见识了这个国家的官僚主义后,她对我也失去了那种"妙不可言“的魔力。

But like any good relationship distance did it some good and now France and I are back to where we once were with me constantly craving a taste of French culture. Which brings me back to food.


As a culture we have long been intrigued by the idea that French women don't get fat. But that concept stretches across an entire nation giving us the French paradox. How does one consume cream butter and ample amounts of cheese and still manage to be perfectly in shape? Our Anglo minds have a hard time grappling with this question but really it all comes down to how we think about food and in France it's all about having a respect for what's on the plate in front of you. A way of life instead of a lifestyle choice.


Ultimately the French Paradox isn't a paradox at all it's just about a few simple values that we could easily start incorporating into our own lives no matter where we live.
