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CNN评全球最丑十大建筑 沈阳方圆大厦入选

7. Metropolitan Cathedral, Liverpool, England 英国利物浦都会大教堂



  Far from conjuring images of heavenly repose, the church is more akin to a giant concrete tent, hence its local nickname "Paddy’s Wigwam" (Paddy being pejorative for Catholics of Irish descent)。

  这座教堂一点也不像神灵休息的地方,倒更像是一座巨大的混凝土帐篷,因此当地人给它取了个绰号,“爱尔兰人的棚屋”("Paddy’s Wigwam",Paddy是对爱尔兰裔天主教徒的戏称)。

  The Cathedral project was ill-starred from the off. Designs by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Adrian Gilbert Scott were rejected for being, in the case of the former, too expensive, and in the case of the latter, not good enough. The task eventually fell to Sir Frederick Gibberd and it is his finished product that stands to this day。


  Fact: The cathedral authority sued Gibberd for £1.3million (US$2 million) when the aluminum roof started to leak and defects were noted in the mosaic tiles. Strangely they seem to have been happy enough with the building’s actual design。


  8. The Portland Building, Portland, United States 美国波特兰大楼



  It is an accepted fact that the 1980s was the decade where taste went mad and decided to start donning pattern sweaters and shoulder pads. However, that still doesn’t explain why judges went with Michael Graves’ design for a new civic building in the US state of Oregon。


  9. The Fang Yuan Building, Shenyang, China 中国沈阳方圆大厦



  Like most of the buildings on our list, this effort is distinctive if not distinguished. Architect CY Lee –- who did a much better job with his Taipei 101 skyscraper over in Taiwan -– wanted to fuse cultures by merging an old Chinese coin, complete with square cut-out, with a contemporary modern office block。


  10. Petrobras Headquarters, Rio De Janiero, Brazil 巴西石油公司总部



  In a way you have to admire Petrobras for its audacity. After all, it is not every leading multi-national firm (the energy company is the biggest in Latin America) that chooses to house its showpiece headquarters in a building that's as awful as this。


  Fact: The building is at least in good company. Its next door neighbor is Rio De Janeiro Cathedral, an equally controversial (read ugly) example of concrete brutalism。
