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In Australia to defend her Sydney International title and a finals appearance at the Australian Open, China's top tennis player Li Na has a sense of purpose.


After becoming the nation's first Grand Slam champion in Paris last June, she recorded just six wins in the remainder of 2011.


"After the French, I think I lost the concentration on the court," Li said, adding that she feels prepared for 2012 thanks to hard work during her two-month-long off-season.


After competing in her first WTA Year-End Championships in Istanbul, the 29-year-old returned to her home in Wuhan, then traveled to Beijing for photo shoots with Chinese sponsors Taikang Life Insurance, dairy company Yili and Kunlun Mountain Mineral Water. Then she was off to a month of training in Munich, returning to Wuhan to compete in a pre-Christmas exhibition tournament called "Li Na and Friends" where she hosted Pete Sampras, Carlos Moya and Sabine Lisicki.

去年,在伊斯坦布尔结束了其首个WTA年终锦标赛之后,29岁的李娜回到了老家武汉。随后她到北京为中国赞助商泰康人寿、乳品企业伊利以及昆仑山矿泉水拍照。之后她到慕尼黑进行了一个月的训练。随后李娜回到武汉,参加了一场在圣诞前举行的名为“李娜和朋友们”的友谊赛。参加这场友谊赛的还有网球名将桑普拉斯(Pete Sampras)、莫亚(Carlos Moya)和利斯基(Sabine Lisicki)。

Li then went to Jiangmen in the south of China, where she put in hours on outdoor practice courts, before jetting off to Perth for the Hopman Cup. "In Perth, I held a baby kangaroo, but I never had this experience holding animals before ─ only my friend's baby," she said.

比赛结束后,李娜回到中国南方城市江门。在江门,李娜每天都要在室外练习场训练好几个小时。训练结束后,她飞赴珀斯参加霍普曼杯(Hopman Cup)比赛。李娜说,在珀斯,我抱住了一只婴儿袋鼠,此前我从未有过这样的经历。我只抱过朋友的宝宝。

Despite her globetrotting, she said she won't get to explore Sydney or Melbourne. "I feel a bit sad that there is no time to look around the cities," she said. "For us as tennis athletes, it's tough because every day [we] just focus on the tournament. If we have [a] day off we also have training and are not totally relaxed."
