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China Broadcasters Winnow Out Shows

China broadcasters have eliminated more than two-thirds of prime-time entertainment programming such as dating and reality shows to comply with tough new government restrictions, as Beijing increasingly seeks to rein in cultural trends it finds problematic.


The state-run Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday that satellite broadcasters have winnowed the number of entertainment shows aired during prime time to 38 from 126. A new rule that came into effect on Sunday limits the number of entertainment programs the broadcasters air to two each week and a maximum of 90 minutes daily between 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m.


The rule, first announced in October, is targeted at what Chinese regulators have called "excessive entertainment and a trend toward low taste," to address the rise of talent shows, dating shows and other such programming aired by China tightly regulated, but increasingly competitive, regional satellite broadcasters. Authorities also encouraged broadcasters to air more news and educational programming.


"Satellite channels have started to broadcast programs that promote traditional virtues and socialist core values,"Xinhua on Tuesday cited China broadcasting regulator as saying.


The rule is part of a broad government effort to take firmer control of China media landscape, an effort that also includes the nation freewheeling Internet culture. The Internet aspect marks a recognition by policy makers of the Web rising power in a country with few other public national forums for discussing issues of the day. The media part, while targeting low-brow trends, also shows China rising interest in developing its own soft power — in the arts, media and culture — to compete with the likes of Hollywood as the nation looks to take on a broader global role.


Newly released remarks by President Hu Jintao also highlight Beijing desire to limit Hollywood influence. In October, Hu warned senior Communist Party leaders that "hostile" foreign forces are seeking to "Westernize" the country. "We should deeply understand the seriousness and complexity of the ideological struggle, always sound the alarms and remain vigilant, and take forceful measures to be on guard and respond," Hu said, according to the Associated Press. The comments were published this week in a party-run magazine called Seeking Truth and translated by Western news services.

最新公布的中国国家主席胡锦涛的讲话也显示出北京希望限制好莱坞的影响。去年10月,胡锦涛提醒共产党高层领导说,外国敌对势力寻求西化中国。据美联社(Associated Press)报道,胡锦涛说,我们要深刻认识意识形态领域斗争的严重性和复杂性,警钟长鸣、警惕长存,采取有力措施加以防范和应对。胡锦涛的上述讲话发表在本周出版的中国共产党《求是》杂志上,由西方新闻机构翻译。