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At the end of that October gathering, Chinese officials publicly called for stricter control of social media, which has challenged the Chinese government traditional hold on the nation information channels. Since then, Chinese Internet companies have announced efforts to crack down on "rumors" — a term often understood to mean information that the Communist Party finds undesirable — while city governments are enacting new rules that would require users of Twitter-like microblogs and other services to register their real names with the companies before posting.


Western media face limits in terms of the amount and the subjects that can be shown. But Hollywood continues to have tremendous sway in China —the movie "Avatar" earned $204 million at the Chinese box office in 2010; the latest "Sherlock Holmes" movie is poised to hit theaters later this month. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, who is widely expected to succeed Hu during an upcoming once-a-decade leadership change, once told the then-U.S. ambassador he was a fan of U.S. war movies, according to a U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.

西方媒体则面临信息数量和主题方面的限制。不过,好莱坞继续在中国拥有巨大影响力,2010年影片《阿凡达》(Avatar)在中国获得2.04亿美元票房,《福尔摩斯2》(Sherlock Holmes)将于本月晚些时候在中国上映。据维基解密(WikiLeaks)公布的一份美国外交电文,中国国家副主席习近平曾对当时的美国驻华大使说,他喜欢看美国战争片。外界普遍认为在今年晚些时候举行的10年一次的领导人换届中,习近平将接替胡锦涛担任国家主席。

Nearly two years ago, Jiangsu Satellite TV dating show "If You Are the One" caused ripples around the nation when a female contestant said she would rather be unhappy dating a man with a BMW than be happy with a man who rode only a bicycle.


Though "If You Are the One" faced new content restrictions after that broadcast, it was spared the latest culling, according to Xinhua, which quoted the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television, known as Sarft. Also spared was a soap opera called "Li Yuan Chun," broadcast by Henan Satellite TV.


The original statement could be found Tuesday on the Sarft website and a list of the canceled shows was unavailable.


China media watchdogs already keep gritty programming involving crime, violence and social issues off the air. In response, regional satellite broadcasters with an aim to reach a national audience in recent years have turned to reality shows that sometimes pit family members against each other, or dating shows where the outcome often seems to depend on how wealthy the suitors are — a potentially provocative issue in a country with a vast gap between the wealthy and the poor.


The new rules could hurt a potentially lucrative market for Western companies. WPP PLC ad-buying unit GroupM estimates that China television advertising revenue in 2010 totaled $27.4 billion. But there could be a plus side for advertisers, since much of China recent output of entertainment programming involves copycat shows that eat away at the originals ratings.

新的规定或许会损害一个对西方公司来说可能获利颇丰的市场。WPP PLC旗下广告公司群邑(GroupM)估计,2010年中国电视广告总收入为274亿美元。不过,这对广告客户却可能带来好处,因为中国最近播出的大部分娱乐节目都是跟风抄袭的产物,损害了原创节目的收视率。