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5. Do things that give you cause to look forward to something. Revive the excitement of anticipation by arranging fun things, such as having dinner with friends, starting a new class for a hobby or interest, attending a sporting event regularly, going to the movies, etc. Choose activities that meet your budget and interests, and that you know will give you a thrill.
5. 做一些能让你向前看的事儿。你可以组织一些有趣的事儿来保持自己参与的兴奋感,比如和朋友共进晚餐、开始一门新的兴趣课、定时参加某种体育活动、看电影等等。参与这些符合你兴趣和预算的活动,你就能保持假日的新鲜感。

6. Make healthy choices. After the many indulgences over the holiday period, it can leave you feeling a little out of shape and worse for wear in the nutrition department. Aim to return to eating healthy food, drinking healthy drinks, and ensuring that you keep getting a good amount of exercise. Eating well and keeping up regular exercise will enhance your mood and help you return to good shape and fitness levels.
6. 吃回健康食物。假日期间放纵自己大吃特吃后,通常我们都会有点发胖或营养不均衡。给自己设立目标吃回健康食品、喝健康的饮品,并且保证做足够的运动。健康进食、保证运动会让你恢复愉快的心情,并且保持体型。

7. Make this a time for getting professional help and turning around things that have been bothering you. The holiday season tends to put a hold on pressing issues at work and in your personal life because the celebrations, meet-ups, and preparations require your foremost attention. Once this busyness dies down, you're returned to thinking about your general life issues and this might just be a good time to get help from the professionals, be it for anything from sorting out your finances, redecorating your home, or dealing with the unhappy feelings you're experiencing.
7. 用这段时间来解决一直烦恼你的事,寻求专业帮助。节日通常会让一些工作和生活上的问题暂缓,因为有所有这些庆祝、聚会和准备,要求你全身心的投入无法抽身。一旦这些忙碌的时间都过去,你就有时间好好想想那些该解决的日常事务。无论是经济问题、重新装修房屋、或是处理一段不愉快的经历,你都可以利用这段时间求得专家帮助。

8. Expect to enjoy the year ahead. Trying to keep a positive frame of mind and planning for interesting and fulfilling events throughout the year is a good way to calm your current blues. Think ahead to the changing seasons and the sorts of things you'd like to be doing as the year moves on, and the sorts of activities and events you'd like to be a part of. Doing something about the things you'd like to happen is the first step and once you're immersed in planning and doing, you'll be too busy to fret.
8. 期待新的这一年。另一个驱赶忧虑心情的办法,就是保持一个积极的心态,好好计划新一年的各种活动。想想未来的变化和你想要在这一年做的事儿,或是想要参与的任何活动。为想做的事情计划并打算是第一步,而一旦当你开始忙碌地计划起来,你就不会有时间忧虑啦。