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In a recent blog post, well-known Chinese author and satirist Han Han adamantly denied accusations that some of his famous works were ghostwritten.

素以调侃和不羁的黑色幽默闻名的中国名作家韩寒,最近在其博客上 对于针对他一些著作是枪手代写的指控予以了坚决的否认。

Han's reputation was blemished by a blogger named "Maitian" (an online alias translated as "wheat-land") on Sina.com.cn. The blogger disputed the originality of Han's works, accusing the post-80s author of hiring people to write for him.


According to Maitian, Han finished most of his writings at night while he racing his car in the daytime. Therefore, he questioned how a person could be so energetic and concluded that most of his writings were probably ghostwritten.


He hence presumed Han's first ghostwriter was his father Han Renjun, who he alleged might have been involved in the writer's first novel "Triple Door". Han also earned praise by influential publisher Lu Jinbo, which contributed to his success. Han responded furiously to the accusation on his blog on Jan. 16.

该指控者推测韩寒父亲韩仁均可能是他的第一位枪手, 据麦田推测,他父亲可能参与了韩寒第一部小说《三重门》的写作。此外,麦田认为韩寒还受到过出版界达人路金波的肯定,这对作家的成功有了一定的帮助。韩寒于1月16日对此在博客上予以了猛烈的抨击。