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But analysts say the real problem is less manipulation and more the sheer challenge of measuring a continent-sized economy that is growing — and changing — so quickly.


This challenge is particularly acute at the start of the year when businesses close and tens of millions of workers head home for the Chinese New Year. Depending on whether the week-long holiday falls in January or February, it can have a major impact on data: lavish banquets lead to a jump in food inflation that soon subsides and factory closures cause a sharp but temporary drop in industrial output.


Because there were so few work days in January, statisticians had to extrapolate to produce figures for the full month, but economists suspect that they may have overestimated industrial activity in the process.


"Without sufficient seasonal adjustment, PMI this January would have been downwardly distorted. However, it is also likely that seasonal adjustment was overdone," said Ting Lu, an economist with Bank of America Merrill Lynch. "Take all monthly January and February data with a grain of salt."

“若没有充足的季节调整,今年1月的PMI数据将会偏低。不过,季节调整也有可能过头,”美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)经济学家陆挺表示。“要用怀疑的眼光看待所有1月和2月的月度数据。” 

Yet waiting until March would be a feat of patience for investors looking to allocate funds. Putting policy on pause would also be a risk for the government. A range of partial indicators, from housing starts to freight volumes at ports, all point to a marked slowdown from China's 9.2 per cent growth last year.


Many analysts had expected that the central bank would cut required reserves in January — a favoured tool in China for pumping cash into the financial system and propping up the economy. But it held its fire and instead adopted more cautious tactics, relying on open-market operations to inject liquidity.


Some domestic companies, especially property developers, have warned that the economy could suffer if the government does not shift soon to a more stimulative stance.


Premier Wen Jiabao sought to counter those fears this week, saying that policy can change course quickly if necessary.


"We must sharply observe and accurately judge the momentum of the domestic economy, paying utmost attention to the first signs of problems," he said at a cabinet meeting.

