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The rich farming soil in central China is an unlikely field for financial innovation but that is exactly what it has become.


When Shang Meigong faced a cash crunch in her vegetable seed business in Xiangyang, Hubei province, she was turned away by local banks and decided to look to the internet for funds. CreditEase, the biggest of a fast-growing pack of peer-to-peer lending websites, paired her up with wealthy people across the country who lent the Rmb50,000 ($7,900) that she needed.


"It took just a few days to get it. The interest rate was lower than from loan sharks and higher than from banks, but the banks wouldn't lend me anything," Ms Shang says.


Peer-to-peer, or P2P, lending websites are at the leading edge of a microcredit boom in China. For a service fee, they connect people wanting to invest money with those looking to borrow small amounts, whether to attend school, buy a computer or start a business.


In so doing, they are providing a platform for loans to entrepreneurs who have founded some of the most productive businesses and yet have been neglected by banks, seen as too risky or simply too small.


The P2P boom has not been trouble-free. The bankruptcy last year of one lender, Hahadai, exposed the risks and prompted regulators to tighten their supervision, with the China Banking Regulatory Commission warning that some P2P companies "were unable to ensure the safety of the loaned funds".

人人贷的繁荣发展并非一帆风顺。去年,贷款交易平台“哈哈贷”(Hahadai)的倒闭,在暴露出该领域风险的同时,也促使监管机构加大了监管力度。中国银监会(China Banking Regulatory Commission)警告称,部分人人贷公司“无法确保贷款资金的安全”。

But advocates say the lending sites are beginning to reshape the face of Chinese finance and make China a focal point for the fledgling P2P industry worldwide.


"China has much more P2P potential than the US. You can understand the lack of credit penetration simply by being on the ground here," says Roger Ying, who launched Pandai.cn, a P2P website, last year. "It is filling an important void in the financial system."

霍中皓(Roger Ying)去年创建了人人贷网站盼贷(Pandai.cn),他谈到,“中国在人人贷领域的潜力远远超过美国。只要踏上中国的土地,你就能深切体会到信贷渠道是何等匮乏。”他表示,“人人贷填补了金融系统中的一个重大空白。”

The government has prodded banks to lend more to small businesses but banks still favour larger enterprises, which can offer property as collateral or have state backing. That gap in lending has opened the door to a new breed of lenders: microcredit companies.
