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There are 4,144 microcredit companies in China, a sevenfold rise over four years, and their total lending increased 87 per cent last year to Rmb369bn, according to government data. While many are bricks-and-mortar institutions, from pawn shops to trust companies, Taobao, the Chinese rival to Ebay, has demonstrated in the retail industry that online businesses can flourish because the internet reaches vast areas still untouched by big brands.


The first P2P lending website was launched five years ago and Mr Ying estimates that there are at least 100 now. CreditEase says it alone has about 100,000 borrowers and that its loan book has been increasing 50-100 per cent year-on-year.


"It's because people really need help and are not covered by the traditional banking system," says Tang Ning, chief executive of CreditEase.


P2P lending has also grown rapidly in the US and Europe since its start in 2005 — especially since the global financial crisis when battered banks cut their lending to small borrowers.


The potential in China is far bigger. "There are about 60m micro-entrepreneurs in cities and 200m rural poor, so it is a huge market opportunity," Mr Tang says.


P2P lenders in China have an image problem, however. They have been damaged by association with China's "underground banks" — illegal lenders that charge annualised rates as high as 60 per cent. Established lending sites such as CreditEase and PaiPaiDai say their average rates for borrowers are much lower, at about 20 per cent.


There have been concerns too about the P2P business model. Borrowers typically must provide personal information, including their all-important ID number, which is released to lenders if borrowers default. Yet it is still unsecured lending, with no collateral posted.


Nevertheless, regulators appear to be gradually warming to the sector, which Mr Tang says is seen as a way to make "underground lending" more transparent.


The P2P companies have also become more upfront about confronting risks. At Pandai, Mr Ying has created a protection fund to partially backstop the lenders if borrowers default.


"It is still too early to pick winners from losers in microcredit," says Victor Wang, a banking analyst with Macquarie Securities. "But if these operations are doing genuine business and not becoming loan sharks, then they are at least helping small corporations to have better credit access."

“现在要判断出小额信贷领域中哪些是输家,哪些是赢家,还为时过早。”麦格理证券(Macquarie Securities)的银行业分析师王瑶平(Victor Wang)表示,“但如果这些公司能作到诚信经营、不演变成高利贷,那它们至少是在帮助小型企业获得更好的融资渠道。”
