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I was in the stands last night watching the Beijing Ducks of the China  Basketball Association beat up on the Shanghai Sharks when I turned to a  teen-ager in the row behind me and asked what he makes of the sudden rise of  Jeremy Lin. Sudden rise? "We were talking about him last year," he said.


Perhaps. Any athlete of Chinese descent who reaches the pros in America draws  some attention in China, but nothing compared to the sensation that Lin has  sparked on the mainland in the last two weeks. Never mind his two hundred  thousand followers on Twitter; on the  Chinese version, he already has three-quarters  of a million. Last week, Lin rocketed to the number-one most searched item  on Baidu, the Chinese search engine.


Lin Shuhao, as he's known here—Linsanity  has been translated to linfengkuang—is drawing attention not only for  the breakout performances that have endeared him to American fans, but for  qualities of particular interest to the Chinese: his earning power, his  bi-cultural roots, and his place in the complex dynamic of mainland China's  relations with Taiwan. "You know his agent's phone is ringing off the hook," one  Beijinger put it. With Yao Ming in retirement, Chinese fans (and  N.B.A. marketers) are desperate for a new draw in China, and Lin has potential.  He understands Mandarin, and speaks enough of it to answer some interview questions, though one joke making the rounds is that former Knicks point guard  Stephon Marbury—who has spent the last two years in the Chinese league—might  have better pronunciation. Most fans appear to have readily claimed Lin as  Chinese, though some have taken note of the fact that he is American-born, with  parents from the breakaway island of Taiwan. As one commentator put it: "Do Africans jump up to claim Kobe as one of their  countrymen?"


Max Klein, a former researcher for the Letter from China, and now chief  basketball correspondent, says local fans are still trying to make sense of  Lin's abrupt success. On the Chinese basketball blogs, they're comparing him to "a trader laid off from a 'second-tier' firm"—Golden State—"who lands a  janitorial position at Goldman Sachs, only to somehow win millions in fees for  the firm within the first four days. A strategic pick-up for the Knicks, or did  they hire their golden boy by happenstance?" Other Chinese fans have taken the  opportunity to make a political observation: a photo of Lin towering over his  parents touched off an endless string of theories about his height, including "that his stature is related to a lack of food [quality] scandals" in America,  according to Charlie Melvoin, who tracked the trend at Baidu.

马克思·克莱因(Max Klein)是《中国来鸿》栏目组的前任调查员,现任首席篮球记者。他说,林书豪突然地成功仍在中国球迷中被热烈探讨着。在中国的一个篮球博客上,有人说他“被一个二流球队(金州勇士队)解聘,成了明星球队的小角色,却在短短四天内进账上百万。这究竟是尼克斯队英明的抉择呢,还是一时的偶然?” 还有一些粉丝的评论则带有政治色彩,一张林书豪比父母高一截的合照引得众人吐槽不断,有人说是因为“长在美国,中国食物吃得少才长那么高。” (消息来自查理·梅尔利(Charlie Melvoin))