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A potentially costly dispute over the name of the iPad computer tablet may not be the only trademark problem facing Apple Incorporated in China. The China Daily newspaper reports Monday that at least 39 Chinese companies and individuals have attempted to register the names iPhone or iPad as trademarks for products as varied as hiking shoes, veterinary drugs and diapers. The newspaper says six manufacturers, including a flashlight manufacturer, got as far as preliminary approval before their applications were challenged.

由平板电脑iPad名称引发的争端可能给在中国的苹果公司带来潜在的巨大损失,但这可能不是苹果公司唯一的在华商标问题。据《中国日报》星期一报道,至少有39家中国公司和个人已经试图给“iPhone”和“ iPad”这些名称注册商标,产品涉及登山鞋、兽医药品和尿布等。《中国日报》说,包括一家手电筒生产商在内的六家制造业者已经得到初步批准,但它们的申请后来受到质疑。

The disclosure comes as a dispute over the iPad name has led authorities in several cities to seize the hand-held computers from Chinese retailers, threatening iPad sales in the world's largest computer market and, potentially, Apple's ability to export the tablets from the country where they are made.

这一消息被披露时,有关iPad名称的争端让数个中国城市当局从零售商那里没收这种手持电脑。这给 iPad在世界最大的电脑市场的销售带来威胁,并有可能威胁苹果公司从这种平板电脑的生产国对外出口iPad的能力。