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Sadie Hawkins Day 美国版的女性求婚日:赛迪-霍金斯节

In the United States, some people have referred to the first Saturday in November as Sadie Hawkins Day with women being given the right to run after unmarried men to propose. 美国版的女性表白求婚日在11月的第一个星期六,赛迪-霍金斯节这一天(小编注:系列卡通漫画《小阿伯那尔》中的虚构节日)。女士可以追在未婚男士后面向他们求婚表白。

Greek Superstition 希腊人的闰年迷信

There is a Greek superstition that claims couples have bad luck if they marry during a leap year. Apparently one in five engaged couples in Greece will avoid planning their wedding during a leap year. 希腊人有一种迷信说法是新人如果在闰年结婚会带来霉运。在希腊,每五对订婚的情侣中就要一对会竭力避免在闰年举行婚礼。