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How do you define success? 你如何定义成功?

That's the question at the core of an exhaustive research project by Timothy Judge, a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business. "Despite their many accomplishments, ambitious people are only slightly happier than their less-ambitious counterparts, and they actually live somewhat shorter lives," says Judge. 这个问题是美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)门多萨商学院(Mendoza College of Business)管理学教授蒂姆西•贾吉进行的一项深入研究项目的核心。贾吉称:“虽然积极进取的人取得了很多成就,但他们的幸福感相比不那么积极进取的人只高了一点点,而且他们的寿命事实上也相对更短一些。”

His study tracked 717 go-getters, born in the early years of the 20th century, and measured ambition, achievement, and various indicators of health and happiness at key points in the subjects' lives, from childhood into young adulthood and beyond. 他的这项研究跟踪调查了717名生于上世纪初的积极进取者,选取他们从童年到成年以及日后岁月中的关键节点,针对进取心、成就以及各种健康和幸福指标进行了测定。

Many in the group graduated from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, and other prestigious schools, and then went on to demanding, high-status, highly paid careers. Yet, when compared with a control group of more laid-back peers — folks with the personality profile psychologists sometimes label Type B — the high-achieving group was not markedly happier. What's more, the slackers, on average, outlived the high-achievers. 接受调查的人中很多都是毕业于哈佛(Harvard)、耶鲁(Yale)、普林斯顿(Princeton)、斯坦福(Stanford)和其他一流名校,随后从事高要求、高地位和高收入的职业。但与控制组中的寻求安逸者(心理学家通常将这类人列为B类人)相比,这些高成就者的幸福感并没有显著增加。而且,平均而言,寻求安逸者的寿命比高成就者更长。