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"We discovered that ambition has, at most, only a very slight positive effect on life satisfaction, and actually a slightly negative impact on longevity," says Judge. "So, yes, ambitious people do achieve more successful careers, but that doesn't seem to translate into leading happier or healthier lives." “我们发现,进取心最多只是增加人生满足感的一个很细微的因素,事实上它同时还对寿命具有轻微的负面影响,”贾吉说。“因此,没错,积极进取者的确拥有更成功的事业,但这看起来并没有转化为更幸福、更健康的生活。”

Although the study doesn't address the reasons for higher mortality rates among ambitious people, Judge speculates that "perhaps the investments they make in their careers come at the expense of the things we know affect longevity," such as "healthy behaviors, stable relationships, and deep social networks." 虽然这项研究没有指出导致积极进取者寿命较短的原因,但贾吉猜测:“或许是因为他们对事业忘我投入,忽略了很多有益于健康的事情,”比如“健康的生活习惯、稳定的家庭关系和深候的社交网络”。

Note to parents: Pushing kids to aim for the stars, get into a prestigious school, and pursue a high-powered career may not do them any favors in the long run. 因此,父母们需要注意了:敦促子女抱负远大理想、进名牌学校、追寻辉煌事业从长远来看似乎对他们并没有什么好处。

"If your biggest wish for your children is that they lead happy and healthy lives, you might not want to overemphasize the importance of professional success," says Judge. "There are limits to what our ambitions can bring us — or our kids." “如果你最大的愿望是他们能拥有幸福和健康的生活,或许不应过度强调事业成功的重要性,”贾吉说。“进取心能给我们(以及孩子们)的东西有限。”

The study, "On the Value of Aiming High: The Causes and Consequences of Ambition," will appear in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology. 这项研究报告《志存高远的价值:进取心的前因和后果》(On the Value of Aiming High: The Causes and Consequences of Ambition)将刊登在即将出版的《应用心理学》杂志 (Journal of Applied Psychology)上。