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  "There are many advantages to online searching, chief among them the ability to search within the text," Kobayashi said. "The major disadvantage is the need for a computer or devices with access to the Internet." Kobayashi noted that whether she uses traditional methods in doing research or going online depends on the question she wants answered。

  “网上查阅有很多的好处,尤其是在文档中搜索的能力。”Kobayashi说。“主要缺点在于需要电脑或者其他的联网设备。” Kobayashi表示,究竟是使用传统方法还是网上查阅,主要取决于是使用者想获得什么样的答案。

  Britannica has thousands of experts' contributors from around the world, including Nobel laureates and world leaders such as former President Bill Clinton and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. It also has a staff of more than 100 editors。

  大英百科全书有着成千上万的来自全世界的专家级编著人员,包括诺贝尔获奖者,世界领导人如美国前总统克林顿和大主教Desmond Tutu,共有超过100个编辑。

  "To me, the most important message is that the printed edition was not what made Britannica," Mr Cauz said. "The most important thing about Britannica is that Britannica is relevant and vibrant because it brings scholarly knowledge to an editorial process to as many knowledge seekers as possible" he added。

  Cauz说:“对我而言,最重要的信息是印刷版本并不是唯一能成就大英百科全书的。” 他补充道:"最重要的是大英百科全书是实用的,尽力给知识探索者提供了专业的知识。”

  Kobayashi said as information professionals, librarians see an important part of their role as directing patrons to trustworthy information sources. "While Wikipedia has become ubiquitous, the Britannica remains a consistently more reliable source," she said。
