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Differences in quality

After graduating from the university in Guangdong, Wang Jianhai was sent to Texas to get a master's degree, which his family believed would give him an edge in the job market.

His father worked at an electronics factory and earned more than 10,000 yuan a month, so the adventure was not a great financial burden. However, after his return, 26-year-old Wang was no better prepared to find work.

Even his English skills had not improved, he said, as "we stayed with other Asians most of the time".

Eventually, his parents had to invest more money to help their only son eke out a meager living by running his own electronics store.

"He hasn't earned a penny back for us, even though we've taken care of him for 26 years, while other people his age might have earned more than 200,000 yuan by now," said his 66-year-old father.

"We could have had a decent life after retirement with our savings, but now we've painted ourselves into a tight corner," he added bitterly.

Although parents see an overseas education as a shortcut to success, experts argue that very few truly understand the vast differences in quality that exist among colleges in developed nations.

Zhou Xiaozheng, a sociology professor at Renmin University of China, said everybody knows Chinese parents are willing to spend money on their children, but he warned that those looking to benefit today are largely "second- and third-rate colleges that don't offer scholarships or subsidies".

Parents need to be reasonable, he said, as well as "clear about what they expect from the study period mental development or practical skills".