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  The China Association for Quality's latest customer satisfaction survey of the banking industry shows that arbitrary charges and the abuse of personal information lead the list of customer complaints, the Beijing News reported。

  On the survey, released Saturday, customers gave a score of 77.4 out of 100 to the general service of the banking industry, based on their actual experience。

  Two-thirds of the 15 banks in the survey received scores higher than the industry average, with a further five, including Postal Saving Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Industrial Bank CO., LTD and Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) were below the industry average, with ABC finishing with the lowest score。

  The survey focused banking services provided to individual customers in branches, for online banking and card services。

  The majority of customers complained about arbitrary charges such as interbank transfer and withdrawal fees, annual fees and management fees on small accounts。

  According to the survey, customers also expressed concern about both the leaking and abuse of personal information, such as banks using customers' information to call them regarding insurance and other financial services。