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"Plants take substances out of the air through the tiny openings in their leaves," Wolverton said. "But research in our laboratories has determined that plant leaves, roots and soil bacteria are all important in removing trace levels of toxic vapors1." “植物通过叶片上的小孔吸收空气中的有害物质,” 沃尔弗顿说。“但是,我们的实验室研究已得出结论:植物叶片、根部以及土壤细菌在清除微量有害气体方面都起着非常重要的作用。”

"Combining nature with technology can increase the effectiveness of plants in removing air pollutants," he said. "A living air cleaner is created by combining activated carbon with a potted plant. The roots of the plant grow right in the carbon and slowly degrade the chemicals absorbed there," Wolverton explains. “把自然和技术结合起来能够增强植物清除空气污染物的效力,”他说。“把活性碳和盆栽植物结合在一起,一个活的空气清洁器就诞生了。植物的根就长在活性碳中,在那儿慢慢地将吸收的化学物质降解,”沃尔弗顿解释说。

NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work  where people feel better, perform better, and enjoy life more. 美国国家航空航天局的研究一再表明,活的、绿色以及开花的植物,能够清除建筑物内空气中多种有害化学物质。你可以在家中或办公室里摆放植物,用它们来改善空气质量,使这些地方成为更舒适的生活与工作场所——人们在这儿感觉更好,办事效率更高,更多地享受生活。