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12. Turks

12. 土耳其人

Given that their homeland straddles two continents, it should be no surprise that Turkish people have a fairly cool outlook on life, embracing a diverse range of cultures, cuisines and plumbing standards. 土耳其横跨两大洲,土耳其人民怎能不酷?亚欧风情兼收并蓄啊!

11. Belgians

11. 比利时人

OK, so it's small, damp and has a grim rep as a haven for European Union bureaucrats and sex offenders. But a nation that has made art forms of beer, chocolate and, yes, finch warbling can't be all bad. 你以为它国土面积小、气候潮湿、官僚气息严重、性犯罪指数高,它就不酷了吗?在这里啤酒、巧克力甚至鸟儿鸣叫都成了艺术,你还说它不酷?

10. Nepalese

10. 尼泊尔人

Icon of cool: Tenzing Norgay. Reached summit of Mt. Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary, but casually stepped aside and let his hiking buddy hog all the credit. 酷之典范:世界上首个登上珠峰的Edmund Hillary爵士的向导Tenzing Norgay,其实他才是攀登珠峰第一人呀。

9. Chinese

9. 中国人

With a population of more than one billion, statistically China must have its fair share of cool people. Besides, it's prudent to include the Chinese in any list like this because, if we didn't, China's resourceful hackers would simply crack into the site and add themselves anyway. 从人口比例上来说,中国人怎么也要算进来,不然中国的黑客会入侵我们网站,将他们的名字加进酷国列表之中。

Icon of cool: Brother Sharp — a homeless man whose rugged good looks unwittingly made him an Internet fashion sensation. 酷之典范:犀利哥

8. Botswana

8. 博茨瓦纳人

So cool they even pretended to be happy about seeing Bush. 太酷了,以至于看到布什总统时竟然能假装很开心。

7. Japanese

7. 日本人

Japan's torch of cool is defiantly held aloft by its shock-haired adolescents whose capricious embrace and manipulation of the freakiest aspects of modern consumerism, fashion and technology frequently dictate what the rest of the world will be wearing (we mean you, Lady Gaga) and doing with its thumbs. 日本酷在哪里?酷在年轻人的时尚感!他们引领了世界时尚潮流(说你呢,跟在人家屁股后面的嘎嘎姐)。